
William Evans is a writer, filmmaker, essayist, actor, and former podcast producer based out of Los Angeles, CA.

 Let’s break that down:

  • I got my first journal at five years old. When I moved across the country, I wrote a ten page story about my cat’s adventures moving to a new state far away from home. After one fateful summer camp where I wrote and directed my first short film, I transitioned from short stories to plays and screenplays. At sixteen, I wrote my first feature: a western adventure about a cursed treasure and a band of misfits racing a nefarious gang to find it first. I’ve written over a hundred scripts since then. I’ve been writing for the majority of my life so far and I doubt I’ll ever stop. There’s always an idea I’m thinking about and always a story I want to pitch to friends. It’s the first thing I think about when I wake up and the thing I think about when I can’t sleep. You will find two of the pilots I believe are worth sharing in the Screenplays tab but I’m always cooking up another.

  • The short film I made at the summer camp was titled MINDING CHANGE. It was a coming of age story about a young man who put himself before his girlfriend. One day, he wakes up to find her missing. He runs all over the campus looking for her while helping various people in trouble. He finally finds her room completely empty and realizes that she moved away. But wait! It turns out it was all a dream. He runs downstairs to find her leaving, apologizes, and proposes marriage. It’s all a bit silly and melodramatic which would imply my further cinematic interests years later. Since that fateful summer camp, I have made various short films and sketches, some of which you will find on this site. My next short film, YOU DON’T KNOW HER, will premiere sometime in 2023 after I try my hand at the festival submission process.

  • You might think calling the summer camp of 2004 fateful to be a tad melodramatic but it also jumpstarted an obsession with the culture and history of cinema which has followed me to this day. Once the first video essays on cinema started rolling out from channels like Every Frame a Painting and Nerdwriter1, I thought to make a few of my own which you will find the essay tab of this website.

  • Or actor, singer, comedian, stand-up, improviser, entertainer. Films require actors after all so why not use yourself? But even before my interest in filmmaking, I performed in theatre. As a child, I won first prize for a poem recital in kindergarten. Since that moment, I performed many times on the stage as a singer, dancer, and actor. Between high school and college, I performed everything from William Shakespeare (multiple times!) to musicals like You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown and Miss Saigon. Once I moved to Los Angeles, I took classes in Meisner and Short Form Improv (Upright Citizens Brigade). I wrote, shot, acted, and edited many of the sketches you will find in the comedy tab of this website.

  • Three, actually: Let’s See Where This Goes (news parody), Spoons & Toons (90s cartoon reviews), & Study Buddies (high school stories). These all ran for about a year but I’m always thinking about jumping back into the space again. I produced, co-hosted, and edited these podcasts. You won’t find them here but you’ll be the first to know when I start another one.

Contact me!

EMAIL: williamscotevans@gmail.com
INSTAGRAM: @william.ig